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Product Introduction


TitleNCS PANEL(Nozzle Cooling System PANEL) Introduction2024-11-13 14:46
Name Level 10
AttachmentNCS PANEL Introduction_ENG.pdf (41.63MB)

NCS (Nozzle Cooling System) is a cooling technology used to protect equipment exposed to temperatures above 1000°C.

It is applied across the entire range of EAF, including the roof and elbows.

We determined that if NCS could be applied not only to the roof and elbows but also to the panels, 

it would maximize the benefits of NCS in terms of safety, cost-effectiveness, and performance. This led to the development of the NCS Panel.

For more details, please refer to the attached NCS Panel introduction document.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Thank you.

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